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  • App4Legal.v8.6.1 Release Notes

Important highlights from this release

  • New Feature: Timer is now available in the Advisor Portal
  • New Feature: Client Portal now supports client sign up
  • UI/UX: New & Enhanced Invoice creation page
  • Enhancement: New widgets added to Money module dashboard
  • Enhancement: Invoices support discount amount on item level
  • Bugs Fixes & Minor Enhancements
Issue TypeIssue keySummaryDescription
New FeatureA4L-6754New Timer Window

New FeatureA4L-6736Money Dashboard New Widgets
  •  Receivables
  •  Receivables per Client
  •  Expenses per Category

New FeatureA4L-6714Get License Info API

New FeatureA4L-6747Client Portal Signup

New FeatureA4L-6457Money Module APIs

New FeatureA4L-6561UI/UX Revamp of Invoice Create Page & Edit PAge

New FeatureA4L-6735Contracts API

ImprovementA4L-6765add some customizations to the logo in the invoice template* Add the option to the Invoice template logo to be centered
* Add the option to the Invoice template logo to have the compressed size (System) or the current size of the logo
* Add Option to the invoice information to enable/disable exporting details with entity currency

ImprovementA4L-6743Ability to edit a slot for export in matter container

ImprovementA4L-6756AP enhancements in Matters & Hearings* Remove the advisor task permissions link in the administration setup.
* The Related Advisor Tasks are not appearing in the matter view.
* When focusing on the date picker, it should be opened.
* Stages should be collapsed by default in AP.
* Typo in edit_hearing modal title.
* Set judgment is not working in the hearings grid in the activities tab (AP).
* Add time logs summary on the matter, when the user clicks it will lead him to the time logs grid filtered (AP).
* Fix the message "AP is Disabled by the admin".

ImprovementA4L-6683Money - changes to Fee Advice Note + Partner Share Statement

ImprovementA4L-6579New widgets to My DashboardNew Widgets
# my past hearings awaiting updates
# tasks assigned to me

ImprovementA4L-6207Display Multi-Currency in invoices

ImprovementA4L-6590Translation for contact/company categories

ImprovementA4L-6755Rename "Add Stage" to "Change Stage"

ImprovementA4L-6077Un-invoiced Time Logs report - filter options (Practice Area, Assignee)

ImprovementA4L-6711Include the percetage of VATIn the description and summary of the invoice, the total for taxes should be calculated per the items.
ImprovementA4L-6316Email Notifications - add more infoEmail notifications from App4Legal need to include in their title the task type, and the Matter/Case Name that they are related to.
ImprovementA4L-6071Extend App4Legal Cloud SMTP to send "Outgoing Mail" notificationsExtend App4Legal Cloud SMTP to be usable for sending out all "Outgoing Mail" notifications
BugA4L-5633DB - legal_case_companies - Corporate Matter ImportWhen importing corporate matters from Admin > Import > Corporate Matters

The Clients on the matters were added in the table legal_case_companies, but the following fields were left NULL.
* Created by
* Created on
* Modified by
* Modified on


BugA4L-6717Money Module - Calculation Bugs

BugA4L-5817On the export grid in the money module full translation is not supported

BugA4L-6636Make all the slashes in Arabic as backward slashesRemove all the forward slashes in the common language Arabic file and use only the backward slashes.
BugA4L-6392Quotes & Invoices - Difference in export to word and displayed content*Steps to reproduce:*

- Add a log time with a comment for an existing matter
- Create a quote, and choose the client related to the matter
- Link the matter to the quote, and choose the time logs items
- Edit the time logs items description and save the changes
- Export

BugA4L-6740Add post filter error

BugA4L-6745Wrong Translation

BugA4L-6750Matter Cap - Cap amount resets after invoicing

BugA4L-6753Matter folder template - Legal case fields are being reset* Go to the settings page -> Documents -> Matter folder template section
* Add new folder template with litigation case and corporate matter categories and practice areas from your choose
* Go to the add corporate matter/litigation case wizards
* Add a new case and choose the practice area you specified in the matter folder template
* Error message

BugA4L-5499Wrong nb of days in Excel file of Matter stages on SQL Server

BugA4L-6021Bug in editing request types

BugA4L-5412Bug in advanced search

BugA4L-6637Hijri date is not being used on my hearings page

BugA4L-6170Add Window - dropdown lists

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