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  • App4Legal.v6.9 Release Notes

Important highlights from this release

  1. A hearing can now be updated with the judgment details.
  2. A hearing can also be exported to word in order to update your clients when needed.
  3. Track your expenses better by relating your hearings, events and tasks to them.
  4. We enhanced the reminder for your intellectual property license to support reminding multiple users.

Issue keyIssue TypePrioritySummaryStatusCreatedUpdatedDescription
A4L-3842New FeatureMedium

Track your expenses better by relating your hearings, events and tasks to them. 

  • Ability to record an expense to the hearing form and to the task form.
  • In the money module, when recording an expense, auto fill the description if it relates to the hearing or task.
A4L-3836New FeatureMediumAbility to export a hearing to WordMerged
  • Export one hearing to update client to Word.
A4L-3838New FeatureMediumAbility to track Judgment after end of the hearing to be trackedMerged
  • Track your matters till the end with the latest development of the judgment.
A4L-3840New FeatureMediumShow Hearing and event in hierarchy view or relations Merged
  •  You can now add a new hearing straight away from your events tab in a litigation matter.
A4L-3843New FeatureMediumThe option of adding an attachment to an expense mandatoryMerged



  • The User/Admin of App4Legal can now make the attachments mandatory when adding a new expense.
A4L-3842New FeatureMediumExpense could be related to hearings/events and tasksMerged
  •  You can now search for invoice numbers from your old data related to a certain client
A4L-3439ImprovementMediumEnhanced the reminder for intellectual property license to support reminding multiple users.Merged
  •  You can now remind multiple users on the renewal of IP cases.
A4L-3441ImprovementMediumIP name in the Intellectual Property MandatoryMerged
  • IP name in the Intellectual Property is now mandatory.
A4L-2388Improvement MediumDifferentiating a contact with the family name while searching for itMerged
  • You can now differentiate a contact with the family name while searching for it.
A4L-3753ImprovementMediumAdding multiple addresses to the companyMerged
  • You can now add multiple addresses to the company you added.
A4L-3730BugMediumError when deactivating entityMerged
  • A user will not be allowed to delete any entity if another user is using this entity.
A4L-3782BugMediumNothing is deleted unless it is not related to anythingMerged
  • You will not be able to delete any case if it was related to any contact/matter etc

  • No labels

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