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  • App4Legal.v6.7 Release Notes

Important highlights from this release

  1. A whole new way to work on the litigation matter! You can now configure the litigation case the way you want by customizing your events and relating them to your reminders and tasks. You choose the fields that want to appear! All accessible under the Events tab.
  2. Guess what?! Not only can you sync your calendar with your Google account but you can now sync it with Office 365 as well!
  3. Why limit types of custom fields? You can select different types of custom fields by heading to the administration setup. You can choose between date, user picker, text and many more.
  4. We did some enhancements to our conflict of interest report. You are able to search for all the related contacts to the matter.

Issue keyIssue TypePrioritySummaryStatusCreatedUpdatedDescription
A4L-3725New FeatureMediumRe-engineering the Litigation Case ProcessMerged
  • Merge events, hearings and litigation data tabs in events tab:
    • details are listed in a comment below
  • Add event in administration
A4L-3702New FeatureMediumCalendar Integration with Office 365Merged
  • Ability to sync user calendar with Office 365
A4L-1372New FeatureMediumCustom FieldsMerged
  • You can select different types of custom fields by heading to the Administration& Setup. You can choose between date, users, text and many more.
A4L-3729ImprovementMediumConflict of interest report to fetch related contactsMerged
  • You are able to search for all the related contacts to the matter in the conflict of interest.
A4L-3718ImprovementMediumRename Matter/Advisory to MatterMerged
  • Matter/Advisory is now renamed to Matter.
A4L-2780ImprovementMediumShow recent items in drop-down listsMerged
  • A drop down list appears with the last used/searched for items.
A4L-2190ImprovementMediumEnhance the UX of the Licenses & Waivers functionalityMerged
  • Let all the records appear all together arranged by the expiry date in ascending order. Any records that is added will have a reminder automatically created.
A4L-3771BugMediumRename Type to "Area of Practice" in Advanced search in Matters GridsMerged
  • Rename Type to "Area of Practice" in Advanced search in Matters Grids.
A4L-3724BugMediumDifficulty in importing usersMerged

A4L-3685BugMediumError When Selecting User In Intellectual property User Rate FormMerged

A4L-3715BugMediumError in Edit User Profile FormMerged

A4L-3620BugMediumError when deleting a task related to a deleted Hearing or CaseMerged
  • Bug resolved.
A4L-3303BugMediumBug when copying customer portal URLMerged
  • Bug resolved.
A4L-3223BugHighBug in expense accountMerged
  • Bug in expense account when adding invoice with expense.(There is a difference in the values (0.1) between the invoice form and the accounts).

  • No labels

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