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  • App4Legal.v6.4 Release Notes

Important highlights from this release

  1. The on-boarding process has been revamped with a new UI/UX.
  2. Re-design the contacts grid where navigability is now much easier.
  3. Permissions are now added to transition change at the Case level.
  4. Client filed is added to the Time Log form.
  5. Active directory users and customer portal users can now login without using the domain name.


Issue keyIssue TypePrioritySummaryStatusCreatedUpdatedDescription
A4L-3301New FeatureMediumActive directory users should login without using the domain nameQA Validated1/10/2017 14:473/13/2017 9:04
  • Active directory users can now login without using the domain name. However, this is optional from the Admin & Setup.
  • In cases where the account is locked on AD, the user will not be able to access A4L with a message: locked from Active Directory
A4L-3195New FeatureMediumActive directory cp users should login without using the domain nameQA Validated12/12/2016 15:423/13/2017 9:04
  • Same rules as above apply for Customer portal users.
A4L-3041New FeatureMediumRevamp the on-boarding processQA Validated10/28/2016 16:04 
  • The on-boarding process has been revamped with a new UI/UX.
A4L-1907New FeatureMediumAdd Permissions to Transition changeQA Validated2/15/2016 9:413/13/2017 18:45
  • Permissions are now added to transition change at the Case level. Users who do not have the privilege of using a transition won't be able to change it.
A4L-3444ImprovementMediumEnhancement to Customer Notification SchemeQA Validated3/2/2017 18:513/13/2017 15:03
  • A hyperlink to the Case is now included in the email that is communicated to the Customer when a lawyer lawyer adds a note to a Ticket or changes case Status from App4Legal.
A4L-3415ImprovementMediumAdd loader to google sync pageQA Validated2/28/2017 12:41add loader to sync page when pressing on
  • A loader has been added to the sync page.
A4L-3400ImprovementMediumRename Company Container to Company GroupQA Validated2/20/2017 13:323/13/2017 9:05
  • Company Container is now renamed to Company Group.
A4L-3399ImprovementMediumAdd a count to the Shares reportQA Validated2/13/2017 9:033/13/2017 9:04
  • A count to the Shares report is now added to indicate the number.
A4L-3425ImprovementMediumRe-design the contacts grid where navigability is now much easierQA Validated2/13/2017 9:012/28/2017 15:57
  • Grid columns are now reordered and reduced in number to contain the most basic data of the contact.
  • The header has been revamped to contain a quick navigation of the category of the contact.
  • The scroll bars are now enhanced to appear on the extremities of the screen to facilitate the navigation.
  • The action words of the filters are now enhanced to become clearer for the user.
  • The action wheel is revamped to become tools and added to it is the import action.
A4L-3228ImprovementMediumLicense & Waivers reminders text to be enhancedQA Validated2/9/2017 15:443/13/2017 9:04* The Summary of the Reminder is enhanced to contain more useful information such as the type of the license and waivers, the company name and the expiry date.
A4L-3217ImprovementMediumAdd the Client field to the Time Log formQA Validated12/20/2016 18:003/14/2017 11:29
  • The Client field in the Time Log can now be managed. If the client is set in the Case form, it will be non-editable.
  • If the Time log is Internal, then no client appears. If the Billable is chosen the client name appears accordingly.
  • If the client is not set at the case level, the client will be injected into the Case.
  • The client field is added to the grid, export to excel, advanced search and Time Tracking KPI report.
A4L-3470BugHighCalendar days are not being flipped in ArabicQA Validated12/19/2016 11:18 * It has been fixed.
A4L-3463BugMediumDB Error in some grids on instance using MSSQL 2008 R2 Database ServerQA Validated3/8/2017 12:16 * It has been fixed.
A4L-3454BugMediumDate picker is not working in Journal FormQA Validated3/3/2017 17:26 * It has been fixed.
A4L-3446BugMediumBug in users grid and reportsQA Validated3/2/2017 19:24 * It has been fixed.
A4L-3445BugMediumBug when uploading filesQA Validated3/1/2017 17:013/10/2017 16:08

* When uploading file there is a case where the file name is modified and cannot be accessed.

* It has been fixed.

A4L-3427BugMediumBugs in Import Contacts templateQA Validated2/28/2017 16:21 
  • Drop down of gender column in import template in not working not option to choose from.
  • It has been fixed.
A4L-3426BugMediumDB Error in view clients on instance using MSSQL 2008 R2 Database ServerQA Validated2/22/2017 16:37 * It has been fixed.
A4L-3418BugMediumCP DB Error On Instance Using MS SQL Server 2008 r2QA Validated2/22/2017 16:31 
  • DB error in view ticket in customer portal on instances using MS SQL Server 2008 r2.
  • It has been fixed.
A4L-3406BugMediumWrong translation in Ar of items for InvoicesQA Validated2/20/2017 13:34 * It has been fixed.
A4L-3405BugMediumBug in Supplier Related AccountsQA Validated2/14/2017 15:01 
  • Bug in bill when adding a bill with a bill and due date in a year less than the current year. And then go to the supplier details. The balance is not being retrieved.
 * It has been fixed.
  • No labels

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