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  • App4Legal.v6.3 Release Notes

Important highlights from this release

  1. App4Legal Calendar is now integrated with Google Calendar.
  2. Customer Portal Users can be grouped by the same departments/client. Tickets now have new fields called Requested by and Watcher.
  3. A User Group in A4L can now be cloned to convey the same permissions to a new group.
  4. At the level of adding a ticket, multiple attachments can now be added.
  5. Shares tab in the Company form is now enhanced.

Issue keyIssue TypePrioritySummaryStatusCreatedUpdatedDescription
A4L-2783New FeatureMediumGoogle Calendar IntegrationMerged8/16/2016 10:132/6/2017 9:26
  • App4Legal Calendar is now integrated with Google Calendar.
  • App4Legal Calendar design has been revamped. Meetings are now introduced.
A4L-2059New FeatureMediumGroup Customer Portal UsersMerged3/16/2016 9:112/3/2017 21:28* Customer Portal Users can be grouped by the same departments/client. Tickets now have new fields called Requested by and Watcher.
* Customers are now able to see only the tickets that were requested by and watched by them. Else, they will see only what is created by me. Watchers, requesters and creators can add comments on the ticket.
* Grid of Tickets now supports the new grouping.
* Customer Notification Scheme now includes notifying not only Created by but also Requested by and Watched by Customers. Add them to the (To) section.
A4L-2138ImprovementMediumAdd the ability to clone a User GroupMerged3/30/2016 16:052/3/2017 21:28* A User Group in A4L can now be cloned to convey the same permissions to a new group. 
A4L-2899ImprovementMediumEnhance adding attachments at the creation of the TicketMerged9/21/2016 12:502/3/2017 21:28* At the level of adding a ticket, multiple attachments can now be added.
A4L-1305ImprovementMediumAdd a Search Engine to Money objectsMerged10/8/2015 10:202/3/2017 21:28* Clients, Suppliers and Partners grids are now equipped with a quick search engine.
A4L-2296ImprovementHighEnhancement to the Shares tab in the Company formMerged4/28/2016 22:102/3/2017 21:28* Preferred Shares section can now be defaulted in the Admin & Setup in the default values to be visible or not.
* Shares section is now un-collapsed by default.  Shares operation button is now at the top right of the grid.
* The export to word and excel forms are now enhanced to be similar.
* Capital and shares section now exists in the Shares tab only. A Comment field is add to the Capital & Shares section.
* The total shares is now calculated automatically as soon as the nominal and bearer shares are added.
* Executed on should be greater than initiated on in Shares Operations.
* A delete icon is added to Manage Preferred Shares grid.
A4L-3079ImprovementMediumRemove the print action where there is the ability to exportMerged11/9/2016 12:592/3/2017 21:28* The print option is now removed from the system. Users can refer to export to word and excel.
A4L-2994ImprovementMediumAdd hint for "Related Case" field in TaskMerged10/20/2016 11:262/3/2017 21:28* A hint is added under the Related Case field to use the Case ID if needed.
A4L-2987ImprovementMediumEnhancement on add note from cpMerged10/19/2016 14:492/3/2017 21:28* When customer portal user adds a note or attachment, the portal user label now appears next to his/her name in the note form.
A4L-2981ImprovementMediumImprovements in Users and permisisionsMerged10/18/2016 17:212/3/2017 21:28* Teams filter in the advanced search is now All instead of either.
* When cloning a user, employee id, mobile and date of birth are not cloned
* When editing user from administration edit form, the URL in the validation message is now working properly.
A4L-2834ImprovementMediumIcons of Add button on small screen should be in whiteMerged8/26/2016 9:282/3/2017 21:28* Icons are now enhanced to switch colors on hover.
A4L-2443ImprovementMediumLimit the length of the Custom FieldMerged5/26/2016 15:192/3/2017 21:29* Custom field label names is now limited. 3 dots will appear at the end when the text overflows.Also, a tool tip is included.
A4L-2304ImprovementMediumEnhance the behavior when emptying court details Merged4/29/2016 14:092/3/2017 21:28* When removing the court type, all the fields get emptied except the court degree.
 This behavior is now enhanced.
A4L-2116ImprovementMediumAdd Bill to the Client Add formMerged3/25/2016 17:062/3/2017 21:28* The bill to section can now be managed from the add client form. by default the bill to section is populated with the required business data.
A4L-3365BugMediumDB Errors when using MS SQL Server 2008 R2Merged2/1/2017 11:372/3/2017 21:28* It is now fixed.
A4L-3358BugHighBug in expenses (Expense Category don't match the selected entity)Merged1/26/2017 18:152/3/2017 21:28* It is now fixed.
A4L-3238BugMediumError in Petty Cash to User MappingMerged12/23/2016 10:572/3/2017 21:29* It is now fixed.
A4L-3212BugMediumUpload a file when the session is expired freezes the screenMerged12/16/2016 9:132/3/2017 21:28* Scenario: Open the related docs grid and sign out the user from a different tab, then upload a file in the related doc tab, the file appears as if it's being uploaded and freezes. It is suggested to prompt the sign in pop-up for the user in order to proceed.

* It is now fixed.
A4L-3107BugMediumBug in the Report Builder when trying to access a non permitted filterMerged11/16/2016 12:122/3/2017 21:28* Try to change the Report builder filter id to access a non permitted filter a php page error appears.
* It is now fixed.
A4L-3014BugMediumHandle big text in status lable on ticket form of customer portalMerged10/25/2016 10:532/3/2017 21:28* It is now fixed.
A4L-2971BugMediumBug in Users when users exceed the allowed license usersMerged10/17/2016 15:332/3/2017 21:28* Bug when having 10 active users (for example) for a license allowing 10 users

 then updating the license that allows 5 active users only.

* It is now fixed.
A4L-2956BugMediumBug when adding Case Note with Related attachmentMerged10/13/2016 10:242/3/2017 21:29* It is now fixed.
A4L-2581BugMediumBug in advanced case reportMerged6/20/2016 9:532/3/2017 21:28* When export to excel, the total number of cases exporting are not the same as in the grid.
* It is now fixed.
A4L-2565BugMediumBug when using Notify for 16 and more users on serverMerged6/17/2016 14:362/3/2017 21:28* Scenario use Notify all users in a db where it has more than 16 users on server. The system will keep on working until it stops. The page generated is captured below.
* It is now fixed.
  • No labels

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