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  • App4Legal.v5.4.1 Release Notes

KeyIssue TypePrioritySummaryDescriptionStatusCreatedUpdated
LEG-1062ImprovementMediumConfiguration Form enhancements* The tooltip content is enhanced.Merged9/1/2015 10:539/7/2015 20:25
LEG-1056ImprovementMediumAuto login should redirect to getting started page* It is not enhanced.Merged8/28/2015 19:319/7/2015 20:25
LEG-1053ImprovementMediumEnhance the page header design* Alignment of field and enhancement is done.Merged8/28/2015 11:519/7/2015 20:25
LEG-1052ImprovementMediumHide Case field in Log Time form inside Case edit page * Case field is now hid from the Case edit page in the Time Logs tab.Merged8/28/2015 11:459/7/2015 20:25
LEG-1051ImprovementMediumEnhancement when the Case Value Currency is empty in the Setup & Configuration* when the Case value Currency is not configured in the Setup & Configuration the parentheses in the edit case form now do not appear.Merged8/28/2015 11:219/7/2015 20:25
LEG-1040ImprovementMediumTranslate Getting Started Page to French and Arabic* Getting Started Page is translated to Ar & FrMerged8/26/2015 15:499/7/2015 20:25
LEG-1037ImprovementMediumAdd profile picture to profile form* A profile picture can be added to profile form same as the User form.Merged8/26/2015 12:109/7/2015 20:25
LEG-1030ImprovementMediumImprove the Expense grid* Expense Id is now ??? ??????
* ??? ??????? was broken in Ar
* Case Id is changed to Case ID
* Currency in En & Fr was broken
Merged8/25/2015 15:259/7/2015 20:25
LEG-1086BugHighError in add task API* When submitting a new task without a Due Date, the returned value is a php error. It is now fixed.Merged9/7/2015 16:009/7/2015 20:27
LEG-1085BugMediumFix translations for Conflict of Interest Report* Translation are fixedMerged9/7/2015 15:279/7/2015 20:27
LEG-1084BugMediumValidation Messages not translated* They are now fixedMerged9/7/2015 13:459/7/2015 20:25
LEG-1082BugHighInternal server error when sending empty case value* It is now fixed.Merged9/4/2015 16:379/7/2015 20:25
LEG-1079BugMediumRemove Date of Birth and Job Title from Admin User Profile* It is now fixed.Merged9/4/2015 12:209/7/2015 20:28
LEG-1076BugMediumChange language on mobile app gives error* It is now fixed.Merged9/3/2015 15:329/7/2015 20:29
LEG-1067BugMediumBug in Expense actions with organization field* When installing App4Legal using the configuration module with sample data not predefined in our db scripts (for example English + Algeria), a PHP error appears when accessing the Expense actions from the API.
* When creating a new user and try to access the API Expense actions using this user (same PHP error).
* They are now fixed.
Merged9/2/2015 12:219/7/2015 20:29
LEG-1065BugMediumProfile Picture is not saved in User Form (add, edit and clone)* It is now fixed.Merged9/1/2015 15:469/7/2015 20:29
LEG-1064BugMediumAdd Case Value Currency to Print view* It is now fixed.Merged9/1/2015 13:369/7/2015 20:30
LEG-1061BugMediumCourt values do not load in Hearing Form* It is now fixed.Merged9/1/2015 10:209/7/2015 20:29
LEG-1050BugMediumBug in the Import Money Settings values from one entity to another .* Create 2 Entities. Create an Expense category in Entity1 and Entity2 called categ1.
* Import data from Entity1 to Entity2.
* Try to import data rom Entity2 to any other Entity with the 2 Categ1 have the same account so the bug appears.
* It is now fixed.
Merged8/28/2015 10:299/7/2015 20:25
LEG-1035BugMediumChange Language always displays success message* Change language method always displays a success message even when sending an invalid language.
* It is now fixed.
Merged8/26/2015 11:549/7/2015 20:25
LEG-1033BugMediumUser Login doesn't display the missing fields* When trying to login, if the email or password fields are not sent, the error message is not clear. It should list a detailed message (e.g password is missing).
* It is now fixed.
Merged8/26/2015 11:429/7/2015 20:25
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