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  • App4Legal.v4.2.4 Release Notes

KeyIssue TypePrioritySummaryDescriptionStatusCreatedUpdated
BMCMS-927ImprovementMediumAdd Flag to Allow / Disallow Export to Server in Config File (backup db, attachments or download folder > 5 MB)* A Flag is added to Allow / Disallow the Export to Server in Config File (backup db, attachments or download folder > 5 MB).
* This flag is equal to FALSE when the installation type of App4Legal is On-Demand to disallow users to export to server.
* The Feedback message is as such:
** This action is not allowed, please contact the support team.
** ?? ???? ??? ???????? ????? ????????? ????? ?????.
** Action non permise, contacter l'équipe de support.
Merged6/4/2014 9:196/7/2014 15:20
BMCMS-882ImprovementMediumAlign Arabic Text (right to left) in the Notification Email ContentArabic Text is aligned (right to left) in the Notification Email Content.Merged5/15/2014 8:436/7/2014 15:20
BMCMS-931BugCriticalEnhance the performance of related documentsThe performance of related documents is enhanced under (Company, Contact, Case, iDocs)
* "Share With" Privacy feature from all Sub-Folders was removed and kept only for the root folders.
* All Sub-Folders and files now inherit the privacy from their parent folder that exists in the root.
* The My-SQL and MS-SQL Documents queries and database views were redesigned.
Merged6/7/2014 13:466/7/2014 15:20
BMCMS-928BugMediumMove "Fetch Cases Expenses and User Activity Logs" action from Core to Money module"Fetch Cases Expenses and User Activity Logs" is now moved from Core to Money module and renamed to "Fetch Cases Expenses and Time Logs".Merged6/4/2014 13:116/7/2014 15:20
BMCMS-924BugMediumModification on sample data files* The Global Partner Shares Account is now linked to its account.
* Set Change Password Every X Day to ""
Merged5/30/2014 20:396/7/2014 15:20
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