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  • App4Legal.v3.1.1 Release Notes

KeyIssue Type   PrioritySummaryDescriptionStatusCreatedUpdated
BMCMS-573New FeatureMediumEnhance sample data for MySql and MsSql.Technical: Enhance sample data for MySql and MsSql.Merged2013-10-242013-10-24
BMCMS-571BugCriticalFix "Added On" value on Document Management Versioning.The "Added On" value on Document Management Versioning is fixed now.Merged 2013-10-242013-10-24
BMCMS-572BugCriticalFix Export Invoice to PDF .Now you can export Invoice properly to PDF.Merged2013-10-242013-10-24
BMCMS-575BugMediumFix the labels of "Last Modified By" and "Last Modified On" in related Contacts grid.The labels of "Last Modified By" and "Last Modified On" in related Contacts grid are fixed now.Merged2013-10-242013-10-24
BMCMS-576BugMediumRe-order Tasks grid columns.Tasks grid columns is re-order now properly.Merged2013-10-242013-10-24
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