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  • App4Legal.v3.0 Release Notes

KeyIssue TypePrioritySummaryDescriptionStatusCreated OnUpdated On
BMCMS-415New FeatureMediumAdd Entities Drop-Down list to Money module.Add Entities drop down list in the sub menu, allow you to switch between Entities and set your Exchange Rates between Money Currencies per Entity and Add the Base Currency to the Entity form.Tested2013-07-222013-09-09
BMCMS-402New FeatureMediumDefine the Accounts Types in list under Money module.The list of Accounts Types allow you to choose your Account Type  from a default list of Types predefined on Add New Account form.Tested2013-07-162013-09-09
BMCMS-390New FeatureMediumAdd Accounting features to the Money Module tailor-made for Law Firms.Add Accounting features to the Money Module tailor-made for Law Firms.Tested2013-07-102013-09-09
BMCMS-388New FeatureMediumAdd Case Container tab on Case Edit mode.The Case Container allow you to group more than one Case under the same Container.Tested2013-07-102013-09-09
BMCMS-387New FeatureCriticalDesign Litigation Case.Now, you can create a Litigation Case by adding all related legal data: i.e. Judges, Court, Hearings, Events, Opponents, etc.Tested2013-07-102013-09-09
BMCMS-385New FeatureLowEnhance the Arabic Version to be right to left.The Arabic version of App4Legal switch the design of all forms now to be from right to left.Tested2013-07-102013-09-09
BMCMS-383New FeatureMediumAdd Contacts Per Group Of Companies Report.You can now list the Contacts and Companies a major container/group .Tested2013-07-102013-09-09
BMCMS-410New FeatureMediumAdd a Duplicate Function to Company Name.This function does not allow you now to add the same Company more than one time in App4Legal Database.Tested2013-07-182013-09-09
BMCMS-471ImprovementMediumImprove a Security Vulnerability related to predictive text and auto-completion.Improve a Security Vulnerability related to predictive text and auto-completion.Tested2013-09-052013-09-09
BMCMS-469ImprovementMediumEnhance the Juristic Contact form.Enhance the Juristic Contact form by adding related fields.Tested2013-09-042013-09-09
BMCMS-466ImprovementMediumAdd a Company Container under the Company form.The Company Container allow you to group Companies under Containers.Tested2013-08-302013-09-09
BMCMS-464ImprovementMedium Add Due Date in Case Board and sort Cases by Due Date ascending. Add Due Date in Case Board and sort Cases by Due Date ascending.Tested2013-08-302013-09-09
BMCMS-463ImprovementMediumSort Tasks by Due Date ascending on Task Board.Sort Tasks by Due Date ascending on Task Board.Tested2013-08-302013-09-09
BMCMS-462ImprovementMediumImprove Task Location list to be configured in Administration & Setup.Task Location values come now from the list in Administration & Setup filled by the Administrator.Tested2013-08-302013-09-09
BMCMS-461ImprovementMedium"Lawyer for Company" field is called now "In-house Lawyer"."Lawyer for Company" field is now called "In-house Lawyer".Tested2013-08-302013-09-09
BMCMS-460ImprovementMediumReplace all drop down list by a chosen list in the module Report.Replace all drop down list by a chosen list in the module Report.Tested2013-08-302013-09-09
BMCMS-456ImprovementMediumAdd Company Container in Juristic Contact form.Add Company Container in Juristic Contact form.Tested2013-08-302013-09-09
BMCMS-455ImprovementMedium"Moral Contact" field is called now "Juristic Contact"."Moral Contact" field is called now "Juristic Contact".Tested2013-08-302013-09-09
BMCMS-454ImprovementMediumEnhance the URL tab under Related Documents.Enhance the URL tab under Related Documents for all objects.Tested2013-08-302013-09-09
BMCMS-453ImprovementMediumThe Name of Company in Shareholders Report is now a hyperlink and not only a label.The Name of Company in Shareholders Report is now a hyperlink and not only a label.Tested2013-08-302013-09-09
BMCMS-438ImprovementMediumTechnical: The code source of App4Legal now accept on/off CRSF security issue.Technical: The code now accept on/off CRSF security issue.Tested2013-08-132013-09-09
BMCMS-436ImprovementMediumEnhancement of the design of all reports under the module Reports.Enhancement of the design of all reports under the module Reports.Tested2013-08-122013-09-09
BMCMS-432ImprovementMediumTechnical: Improve MySql and MsSql install scripts.Technical: Improve MySql and MsSql install scripts.Tested2013-08-122013-09-09
BMCMS-427ImprovementMediumAdd "Modified By" to Case Notes.Add "Modified By" to Case Notes.Tested2013-07-312013-09-09
BMCMS-426ImprovementMediumAdd a Re-sizing Column feature to all grids.Add a Re-sizing Column feature to all grids.Tested2013-07-312013-09-09
BMCMS-425ImprovementHighEnhance company categories and make them user-friendly.Internal Company is only allowed now from Company main menu. Group is called now Company Container. External Company is called now Juristic Contact. And the Audit has been deleted.Tested2013-07-312013-09-09
BMCMS-424ImprovementMediumAdd Delete Action to Company Board Members grid.All users to delete a Board Member from the Company Board Member grid.Tested2013-07-312013-09-09
BMCMS-420ImprovementMediumAdd more Reports related to Cases.Add the following Reports:
* Cases per Contact per Role
* Cases per Company per Role.
BMCMS-406ImprovementMediumAdd Foreign Name field to Quick Search filters on Company grid and Universal Search.Add Foreign Name field to Quick Search filters on Company grid and Universal Search.Tested2013-07-172013-09-09
BMCMS-404ImprovementMediumEnhance Date fields in Advanced Search on Company, Contact and Case modules.Enhance Date fields in Advanced Search on Company, Contact and Case modules.Tested2013-07-172013-09-09
BMCMS-401ImprovementMediumAdd Default Exchange Rate page under Money module.Add Default Exchange Rate page allow you to set the rate between your Base Currency and others.Tested2013-07-162013-09-09
BMCMS-400ImprovementMediumAdd Money Currency page under Money module Settings.The Money Currency page allow you to choose your Default Currencies you needed in whole module.Tested2013-07-162013-09-09
BMCMS-290ImprovementMediumAdd "Edit/Delete" Actions under the report: Company Shares by Date.Add "Edit/Delete" Actions under the report: Company Shares by Date.Tested2013-05-102013-09-09
BMCMS-273ImprovementVery LowEnhance Nationality filed under Contact.Enhance Nationality filed under Contact. You can now add more than Nationality.Tested2013-04-302013-09-09
BMCMS-267ImprovementMediumEnhance the Manage Permissions page.Enhance the Manage Permissions page.Tested2013-04-262013-09-09
BMCMS-353ImprovementMediumAdd a validation to Attachments with Drag & Drop.Add a validation to Attachments with Drag & Drop.Tested2013-07-042013-09-09
BMCMS-468BugMediumFix links of Company Categories (Juristic Contact and Container).Fix links of Company Categories (Juristic Contact and Container).Tested2013-09-042013-09-09
BMCMS-458BugMediumReport "Contacts Per Group Of Companies" bring now also the Contacts not related to any Company but belong the Company Container.Report "Contacts Per Group Of Companies" bring now also the Contacts not related to any Company but belong the Company Container.Tested2013-08-302013-09-09
BMCMS-449BugMediumInline add is fixed now in the Assets tab under the Company object.Inline add is fixed now in the Assets tab under the Company object.Tested2013-08-212013-09-09
BMCMS-447BugMediumTool-tip on hyperlinks for Case & Task are now fixed.Tool-tip on hyperlinks for Case & Task are now fixed.Tested2013-08-162013-09-09
BMCMS-439BugMedium "Foreign Name" label is fixed now in Contact form. "Foreign Name" label is fixed now in Contact form.Tested2013-08-142013-09-09
BMCMS-434BugMediumThe list of Assign To is available now when adding a New Case from Quick Add.The list of Assign To is available now when adding a New Case from Quick Add.Tested2013-08-122013-09-09
BMCMS-433BugMedium"Force Change Password Evenry" in System Values has been replaced by "Force Change Password Every"."Force Change Password Evenry" in System Values has been replaced by "Force Change Password Every".Tested2013-08-122013-09-09
BMCMS-431BugMediumRegistration Tax Nb is fixed now on printing.Registration Tax Nb take his own value on printing.Tested2013-08-122013-09-09
BMCMS-430BugMediumAttachments under Note of Case is fixed now.Now you can attach the same attachment to multi independent Note.Tested2013-08-122013-09-09
BMCMS-429BugMediumUpload File with some special characters is fixed now.Upload File with  ' ; = & $  is allowed now.Tested2013-08-072013-09-09
BMCMS-422BugMedium Contact and Company lookup in Case Add form are fixed now. Contact and Company lookup in Case Add form are fixed now.Tested2013-07-302013-09-09
BMCMS-421BugHighDate Picker under Add Case is working now.Date Picker under Add Case is working now.Tested2013-07-292013-09-09
BMCMS-419BugMediumDownload Attachment files under Case Note is fixed now.Download Attachment files under Case Note is fixed now.Tested2013-07-262013-09-09
BMCMS-418BugMediumBoard Members grid is fixed now.Board Members grid is fixed now to show all Boards.Tested2013-07-252013-09-09
BMCMS-417BugMediumThe Descriptions of Case/Task on hover on Notification list display properly now.The Descriptions of Case/Task on hover on Notification list display properly now.Tested2013-07-232013-09-09
BMCMS-414BugMediumAdd Task at  00:00 in Calender is fixed now.You can Add Task at 00:00 in Calender now.Tested2013-07-192013-09-09
BMCMS-412BugMediumDrag & Drop feedback messages are fixed now.Drag & Drop feedback messages are fixed now.Tested2013-07-192013-09-09
BMCMS-409BugHighUser Group Value under Profile Page is fixed now.You don't have permission now to edit your User Group from Editt Profile.Tested2013-07-182013-09-09
BMCMS-407BugMediumThe Interval Server Error under Board Members is fixed now.The Interval Server Error under Board Members is fixed now.Tested2013-07-182013-09-09
BMCMS-405BugMediumTechnical: The Attachments Access Directory by URL Show now the Bread Crumb of Directories.Technical: The Attachments Access Directory by URL Show now the Bread Crumb of Directories.Tested2013-07-172013-09-09
BMCMS-398BugMediumComments field in Contact is now a long text field.Comments field in Contact is now a long text field.Tested2013-07-152013-09-09
BMCMS-391BugMediumTechnical: MS-SQL bugs in some queries are fixed now.Technical: MS-SQL bugs in some queries are fixed now.Tested2013-07-112013-09-09
BMCMS-370BugMediumCalender form is fixed on Internet Explorer browser.Calender form is fixed on Internet Explorer.Tested2013-07-082013-09-09
BMCMS-366BugMediumForms design are fixed on Google Chrome browser.Forms design are fixed on Google Chrome browser.Tested2013-07-082013-09-09
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