

You can add Persons to App4Legal through the quick New button in the main menu of the application or through the plus button on the Persons grid.

There are 3 required fields:

Category: The relation between the person and the law firm/Legal department , a standard list of values including Client , Opponent, Partner

Other fields are optional:

Sub-Category: A customizable list of values, to further define the relation with this person ex: Internal Client

Company group: You can add company groups into App4legal.

You can add the person's job title and phone number.

If you click on More fields,  you can choose if the person is a lawyer or an in-house Lawyer,  the website, the address information, the reference number (if you have a numbering that is used in the office it can be entered here), nationality, foreign first and last name, date of birth, ID number, and a comment.

Then press Save. The new Person will be added within the Persons grid.

For more information about App4Legal, kindly reach out to us at help@app4legal.com.

Thank you!