

In App4Legal you can now email your clients directly from the invoices section along with the corresponding invoice or other related documents.

To do so, go to the list of invoices from the Money module, and open the invoice you want to send

  All emails related to invoices can now be sent and tracked under the Emails tab on the invoice page  

First, connect your personal email to App4Legal. Choose either Gmail or Office 365, and sign in with your email address.  

Click on Compose to start a new message.

Your client's email will be automatically retrieved if it is already included under the client's general information.

Specify the email's subject and the message you want to send, and from the attach button, you can attach this invoice as PDF or attach any other related file from your computer.

To attach the invoice, you have to select first the appropriate invoice template to display the invoice in the email, then click Attach as PDF. You can also preview the invoice before attaching it to the email.

All the related emails will be then tracked on the invoice page

For more information on App4Legal, reach out to us at help@app4legal.com

Thank you!