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  • App4Legal.v8.4 Release Notes

Important highlights from this release

  • New Feature: Collaborate efficiently with your colleagues with the new Microsoft Teams integration
  • New Feature: Document templates can have place holders for Matters, Companies & Contacts metadata and custom fields
  • New Feature: Excel, Word, PowerPoint & PDF documents can now be viewed without download
  • New Feature: OneLogin Integration, import and sync users from OneLogin to App4Legal
  • Enhancement: UI/UX uplifting
  • Enhancement: Bulk Edit Time Logs directly on Matter page
  • Enhancement: Export Task to Word
  • Enhancement: Client Portal Single Sign-On Support
  • Minor Bug fixes
Issue TypeKeySummaryDescription
New FeatureA4L-6222Document Generator: fetch fields from existing metadata in Matters, Companies & ContactsDocument templates can have place holders for Matters, Companies & Contacts metadata and custom fields
New FeatureA4L-6181Documents Preview ModeExcel, Word, PowerPoint & PDF documents can now be viewed without download
New FeatureA4L-6456Integration with MS TeamsCollaborate efficiently with your colleagues with the new Microsoft Teams integration
New FeatureA4L-6247Contract APIs1- Edit Clause(GET and POST)
2- Add Clause (GET and POST)
3- Edit contract(GET: return current language data; POST)
4- upload template(upload template directly to the folder designated for document generator templates)
5- list the folders/directories only
New FeatureA4L-6182OneLogin IntegrationYou can now import and sync users from OneLogin to App4Legal.
ImprovementA4L-6300Support for extensions .slk and .sylk in related documents
ImprovementA4L-6055View Details edit matter from the company, referred by and client
ImprovementA4L-6411Add Task Comments to Permission SchemeAdd, Edit & Delete comments can now be controlled from user group permissions
ImprovementA4L-6301Enhancements in the new gird design* Reset button should reset all fields except the default ones
* Remove cursor when mouseover a record except for the links.
* Toggle button to show and hide advanced search side bar.
ImprovementA4L-6119Bulk edit of time logs is now built-in in the Matter Time Log section
ImprovementA4L-6066Contract Module Enhancements*  Make contract type in clauses multi-select and add an option to select all-
*  Add an option for renewals(unlimited period)
*  Add "Show in Client Portal" inside of the Contract-
ImprovementA4L-6250Export Task to Word
ImprovementA4L-6367Tasks - Export to Word (Client)* Tasks Grid: Task action wheel, add 2 options 
## Export to Word
## Export to Word for Clients (Export fewer fields)
Fields to be included are:
*** Task Id
*** Task Type
*** Related Matters
*** Task Description
*** Comments
ImprovementA4L-6308Client Portal SSO supportClient Portal supports sync with SSO (Azure/OneLogin)
ImprovementA4L-6254Time Logs of Tasks that are related to a MatterTime Logs on a Task(linked to a matter) now appear in the Matter TIme Log section
ImprovementA4L-6370Add client name to email "Request for an additional user - instance %%"
ImprovementA4L-6267Update sample data
ImprovementA4L-6441Labels change
ImprovementA4L-6280Support for additional operators in Advanced Search Library
BugA4L-6276No data in Quotes when filtering on Status
BugA4L-6091Bug in docs grids
BugA4L-6400Fix Icons
BugA4L-6283Reports - Hearings Pending UpdatesThe hearing pending updates report should fetch the legal case hearings in which the hearing date and time are in the past. Hearing datetime < Current datetime

Which is not the case in our system. We are fetching the hearings by date and time being in separate conditions.

If the current date and time are 1/27/2021 10:00 AM

and the hearing date and time are 1/26/2021 11:00 AM, it will not be fetched form the database unless it has time < 10:00 AM

BugA4L-6171Rename automated folder - Matter_Note_Attachments


BugA4L-6286Shareholder Operations (Transfer)
* The number of shares and the percentages in the shareholders' grid are not being displayed correctly when a transfer operation is executed or any other operation for the same member.
* Edit/Delete actions for the members having more than one transaction (Show alert displaying the link for the shares by date report.
* In the transfer operation, the initiatedOn and the executedOn dates are being set to 1900-01-01 in MSSQL.
BugA4L-5071Event DesignAlign Stage with other fields in events form in the activities tab of a litigation case
BugA4L-6328Unset Exchange RateUnset Exchange Rate for Users with No access to Default Exchange Rate page will cause infinite redirects


* Create a user group without the permission "Default Exchange Rate"
* Create an Entity without setting the exchange rates
* Create a user under the group mentioned above
* Log in with that user and go to the money module

A redirect loop occurs
BugA4L-6288Lookup inputs in the Saved FiltersThe lookup inputs in the advanced search are not displaying the chosen value when switching to a saved filter in the case of lookup is saving the ID. For

* Invoices Gird (Client Account)
* Quotes Gird (Client Account)
* Bills Gird (SupplierAccount)
* Expenses Gird (Client Account)
* Legal Matters (Outsource to)
* Litigation Cases (Outsource to)

example, Invoices - Client's Account !Untitled.png!
BugA4L-6297Matter details comments* Timestamp on click focus
* increase size id title of matter + cp icon and replace the two with the logo of custom portal
* increase font of left menu labels
* center status text and increase font size to 1.2 em
* change first section name to be the same as left menu
* increase font size of مرحلة الدعوة
* hyper link the email in related company/ contact in matter details 
* if applicable to get the position of contact besides the related contact *"not applicable because client position different than contact position "*
* highlight all users in related contact when are customer portal users
* decrease space between labels and values in audit right box
* matter status title on hove 

BugA4L-6336Invoice - Record a Payment BugWhen recording a payment to an account having different currency than the client one, the amount is being transferred to the client currency which is wrong. It should be saved to the deposit to account currency.
BugA4L-6431Error when setting minutes in API refresh interval* Support refresh interval to be in minutes if feasible or put minimum value to avoid any errors in API (attached is the error) 
* Add missing lines in language files
BugA4L-6343Slowness in related documents when doing a search in the grid
BugA4L-6453Matter Description is showing twice in Word
BugA4L-6303 Label Rename - Money Module
BugA4L-6114empty grid when clicking on the first tab in Related Documentssteps to reproduce:
# go to matter related documents tab
# click on the tab App4Legal Documents

This bug is reproducible in all related document tabs (company, contact, ...)
BugA4L-6454number of users for each module is getting the number of core users
BugA4L-6009Fix Capitalisation on default values
BugA4L-6061Permissions - Rename Labels# "Time spent on" --> "Time Tracking Categories"
# "Administration & Setup" --> "Settings"
# Calendar - List --> "All user calendars"
# Calendar - Add --> "Add meetings/events"
BugA4L-6455Error when uploading a CP license
BugA4L-6245Label change in Reports - Shareholders finder
BugA4L-6356Grid Modification Warning - CompaniesOn modifying the Companies grid for Non-admin users

The Attached Warning appears


*Steps to reproduce:*
* Login with a non-admin user (User group: User fro example)
* Go to Companies Grid
* Use the quick filter from the drop down list (Saved filters)
* Try to change the number of items per page (down to the right)
* The Warning appears - Use saved filters that returns zero rows, warning appears continuously
BugA4L-5055Reminder search is not workingTry to search for a summary that container or starts with ([Hearing]-[M) => no results even if you have results. Same for quick search.
To be check for other fields.
This was reproduced on SQL SRV, to be check on mysql
BugA4L-5057Fix CP Design
BugA4L-6258Wrong display and message in Matter Document Classifications
BugA4L-6378Task Description is not displayed correctly in time logs in excel# when exporting the time logs grid to excel, the full task description is not displayed in current fields, and all fields
# when exporting with all fields, the HTML tags are shown in the excel

This bug is reproduced in My Time Logs, All logs, and Money time logs

BugA4L-6377Quotes - Export to word comments truncate 

*Steps to Reproduce*
* Add a time log a matter with a comment that include a comma.
* Add a new Quote and related the quote to the matter
* The time logs will be added to the Quote
* Export the quote to word


The comments in the word file contain only the keyword / sentence before the comma

BugA4L-6269Hearings Grid - Advanced Search
BugA4L-4957Bug in Advanced Search in Grids - Type (Date)* The bug is reproducible in every grid using a search with input type Date.
Steps to reproduce:
1-search for a company with the operator not equal (or any other) to a registration date
2-the grid will show all companies without this date
3-go back to the advanced search, reset the fields, and submit
4-the operator is reset to equal but if you enter a new date the search is done according to the previous function(Not equal or any other operator)
* The values in the multi-select list are not being cleared after reset in the new Advanced search design (Companies, Contacts)
BugA4L-6272Bugs/comments in new company/contact ui# Missing logo of related contract in company details
# Check text of title in company details in top header if it appears completely right or not check video attached 
# advance search : 
## change حفظ أداة البجث to إنشاء أداة البحث
## الأسم to إسم أداة البحث
## حفظ to إنشاء
# no logo in reminders in company details
# On advance search if we can do the filter without clicking on enter by just erase the text
# Change أداة البحث to بحث
# البحث في الادوات to بحث متقدم حسب حقول متعددة 
# all contacts is missing in the saved search select drop down 
# reset in advance filter not return all fields as it is before still some fields still missing
# in left menu company Arabic: جهات الاتصال المتعلقة to الأشخاص المتعلقة
# message in  Arabic version is corrupted so check save company/contact message in Arabic plus all popups if the issue appears also 
# drop down in related company/contact in Arabic is not aligned correctly fix it and check all related document in application in Arabic version if it is having the same issue
BugA4L-6277Invoice Payment Export
BugA4L-6447Wrong bill statusWhen recording a payment to an account having different currency than the supplier one and the entity currency, the amount is being transferred to the supplier currency which is wrong. It should be saved to the deposit to account currency.

To reproduce it, the bill due date should be in the past then record all payments with different currency. After that, go to bills grid and you find that the status is overdue and not paid.
BugA4L-6208Bug in the footer when exporting word
BugA4L-6279PHP error in invoice list (export to excel) on MSSQL
BugA4L-6389Wrong companies in Matter edit form
BugA4L-5432Bug in litigation gridundefined word for last hearing in litigation case on sqlsrv.
BugA4L-6432Hijri Calendar is not supported with fixed date filters in grids + DB error# DB error when using the date operator "this month":
## to reproduce this problem you need to activate the Hijri Calendar
## check attached screenshots (first 3 screenshots) to see the scenario
# when clicking on any fixed operator like "this month", the default dates are shown in Gregorian and not in Hijri (screenshot-1.png) and the results in grid are incorrect as the date filter is sent in Gregorian then converted to Hijri in query
BugA4L-5427bug in hearing roll session per court date filterwhen searching for a specific date in the advanced filters of hearing roll session per court report, allow hijri calendar in another tab and come back to the report and refresh, the date in the filter will be the same since the system should show the selected filters shown before refresh(which is still Gregorian) and it will be compared with hijri dates of hearings which will result in wrong data in the table
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